How to Choose the Best Web Host

web design SanteeWhen you start thinking about web design Santee, the first thing you have to do is pick a good domain name and select a reliable hosting provider. Choosing the right web host is the most important thing. Remember that your web host will be the only storing your website files. If his servers are ever offline, your website will be offline. The reliability of your website depends on the services offered by the web host. In this post we will be looking at the crucial things you have to do when deciding on a web host to use.

Know the type of hosting that you need
Long before you start reviewing different hosting companies, you need to make a list of all the things that you need from a web host. How many sites will you be hosting? How many email addresses do you need? How much traffic are you planning on getting? What is your hosting budget? A personal portfolio website does not need a dedicated servicer. A high-volume online store, on the other hand will not work with shared hosting. Your web designer Santee will help determine the best resources for your website.

  • Shared hosting

This is the cheapest hosting option. The websites share the resources of a single server. Shared hosting is simple and uncomplicated. It is the recommended option for small websites. You can upgrade to better packages once your website picks up.

  • VPS hosting

This hosting option offers more flexibility for the fast growing websites. VPS (virtual private server) is the perfect middle ground between shared and dedicated hosting. With this option, the server is divided into virtual machines that act as independent dedicated servers. The server is still shared but resources are not depleted in peak hours as is the case with shared hosting.

  • Dedicated hosting

This is for when you need maximum server resources and security. This is for the high performance websites. With this option your website uses an entire server to power it and its applications. No resources are shared. You get complete control over security systems customization, doting architecture, load balancers, operating systems and so on. This is the most expensive hosting option out there. With the cheapest web host you can expect to pay a minimum of $79.98 per month.

Know the type of website you want
The second step is to determine the type of website that you need. Do you want to create a blog, an online store, an online portfolio, a personal website or a business website? The needs are different for each of these websites.

Know the resources you need
Last but not least, you have to understand the resources that you need. This is in terms of storage, RAM, bandwidth, domains, email, uptime rates, security and support.

As you can see, selecting a web host is not as straightforward. Even after considering all the above, you have to understand how a web host pricing works and always be proactive. The reputation of the hosting company also matters a lot.

Web Design Santee