Your web design Santee will be the first thing visitors see when they visit your website. This is why you need to be very careful before selecting a layout for your website. In this article, we will be looking at the things you must never do when building your website.
Doing it yourself
As much as WordPress makes web development easy, it is not advisable to build a professional website on your own. This is because a lot goes into the backend. Even with the best theme and plugins, you still need to customize everything to achieve something unique. Customizing the theme means editing the code. This is not any easy thing to do. The last thing you want is for your business website to look homemade and full of errors. You can avoid this by working with a web designer Santee that has experience creating websites like the one you want.
Forcing people to think
The worst mistake you can make is that of forcing visitors to guess where what they are looking for is. This happens when you build a website that has a bad layout and poor navigation. Remember that your visitors are running short on time and you always have less than 5 seconds to win their trust. You need to do a three second test. Don’t be afraid to invite a friend for this. See if your friend can figure out what to do next within 3 seconds. If he is stranded, you have to go back to the drawing board.
Adding a blog
Although it is good to have a blog for your website, you need to consider if you will really populate the blog with content. Not just that, you need to make sure that you will be updating your blog regularly. If your blog is outdated, it sends the message that your company is small or out of business. If you don’t have time for blogging, it is okay to eliminate the blog tab.
Trying to please everyone
Your website will only be able to cater to a very small group. This is why you need to identify your main audiences before you start working on a web design Santee. Creating a website that pleases everyone is impossible. You can try but your website will just end up being boring and with a terrible user experience. Focus on one group.
Adding fake testimonials
Reviews and testimonials make it easy for you to win the trust of new customers. Adding fake reviews and testimonials will, however, hurt you. Fake review are easy to pinpoint and they will ruin your brand reputation.
These are the crucial things you need to remember when creating your next website. You must never expect to create a killer website overnight. It takes time for a website to be perfect and to command the attention you desire.