Web design Santee is mainly considered in terms of aesthetics. A lot of work goes into making a website as attractive as possible. For the inexperienced web designer, it is easy to forget about functionality when working on a remarkable web design. The important point you need to remember at all times is that your web design will have an impact on the overall bottom line of your site. How? You might ask. Here are some of the ways the layout of your site will affect its success.
User experience
Every web designer Santee understands that it is the web design that impacts user-experience. This is for the simple reason that the design of a site is what captures the audience’s attention as well as breaks up content and guides the visitor’s eye around the website. The web design is also what makes a website look professional, builds trust and also the part that increases functionality. These are the main things that mandate that you give priority to the web design.
To create a successful website, you must ensure that your web design is mobile friendly, improves readability and boosts the overall user experience. If you have a bad web design, you will notice high bounce rates. These will lead to poor search engine ranking.
Still on web design Santee, you need to think about annoying features such as popups and music or videos that auto play. They are annoying and they will push clients away. Your website must also make use of whitespaces, have a clear call-to-action and make use of a sitemap that is intuitive.
While putting your visitors first when working on a web design, you must never forget about the search engines. Most of your visitors will find your blog or website through search engines. Your web design must be SEO friendly. This means search engine crawlers should be able to sniff through it without any problem. Poor navigation can make it hard for search engine crawlers to go through your site. This will lead to poor or no indexing. In the long run, your search engine ranking will be poor. What is more is that your web design has to be mobile friendly. Google gives ranking priority to websites with responsive web designs.
Load speed
Your web design will have an impact on the load speed of your website. Needless to say, the longer it takes for your site to load up the higher the bounce rate will be. As a web designer Santee, you must only add the relevant elements and resize the images. The best hosting service must also be used. Don’t clutter your website. Simplicity has always been the ultimate sophistication.
The above are just some of the main ways your web design will impact the success of your website or blog. A web design doesn’t need to be sophisticated to be professional. It just needs to be well designed with the target users in mind. Hire a professional if you ever feel stuck.