Web Design Santee – How to Promote Your Business Website

Even as you plan your amazing web design Santee, your main goal has to be creating a website that drives more clients to your business. This is never an easy thing to do. There are so many websites that never boost business. The last thing you want is to end up with such a website. To funnel clients through your website, you need to promote your website extensively. Here are the best methods you can use.

Paid search campaigns
Your web designer Santee will recommend organic SEO. As much as this will bring great results to your website, it is not the only option you should consider. You need to combine this with paid search campaigns. Organic SEO should be long term and consistent strategy but you also need to use paid campaigns. The best one is PPC (pay-per-click). Regardless of your budget, you will find a package for you. You can pay as little as $500 or as much as $5,000 or more. The best thing about paid search campaigns is that they don’t take as long as organic SEO for you to see results. Your website will be indexed much faster.

Retargeting Ads
This campaign helps optimize your brand to visitors who have already been on your website. With this you need to make use of cookies. Once the cookie has been installed on the computer of the visitor, he will be shown your ads when browsing the internet. Retargeting ads help you stay on top of mind of potential clients.

Social media marketing
You cannot afford to ignore the social media in this day and age. An experienced web designer Santee will include links to your social media so that visitors can easily connect with you on your social media pages. You should also add a link to your website on your social media pages. You should also consider paying to promote your social media content on social media. Facebook charges between $150 and $300 for this.

Email marketing
Don’t forget to build a mailing list. Email still works. You need to send announcements about your website and new products or service through email. Make sure you use an email that has a professional design and one that matches your brand. You should also use the email to send newsletters, hot deals, white papers and anything that can benefit your visitors.

Other great things you should consider doing is publishing a press release, including the link of your website in your business cards and making clients aware of your website in company events. The more people learn about your website the more traffic you will get and the more leads you will capture.

Web Design Santee

Web Design Santee – 3 Best Methods for Capturing Website Leads

A great web design Santee alone will not help drive the leads you need to your company. Even as you plan your next website, there are a number of things you will have to do to get the most from it. In this post, we shall be looking at the three main things you need to do to capture more leads from your website. This article is for you if you have been getting lots of great organic and paid traffic but you don’t have any juicy leads. This issue is common when a website lacks proper lead capture tools to convert the visitors into leads. Here are the best methods you can use to capture leads.

Case studies
The best online marketing strategy will include a combination of both gated and un-gated content. The un-gated content is available for download without the need to share personal information. The gated content, on the other hand, requires visitors to complete a form before they can download or access the content. Your web designer Santee will recommend gated content because it helps you fill your sales funnel as well as nurture leads to conversion.

When it comes to gated content, case studies are the best. This is because they are valuable, results oriented and are mainly needed when a visitor is closer to the vendor selection phase. At this point, the prospects are more likely to give you their contact information to get the case study. They give you their contacts knowing that you will contact them.

Guides and white papers
Guides and white papers are also great gated content. They are excellent lead capture tools for any business. However, for this to work the whitepaper or guide should offer significant value for the prospect. The content need to be well-crafted and documented. The guide or white paper should make it easier for your prospects to do their job or make their life much easier. Great examples of white papers and guides include:

  • Practical guide to hiring an ideal candidate
  • Guide to partnering with a recruiter
  • How to hire the best account firm

Your white paper should provide helpful information to the prospects. They should not just be long ads. They need to be informative and helpful to the prospect. Your web design Santee should make it easy for prospects to download white papers and guides.

Compelling CTAs
The third thing you need to do is add compelling call-to-action. Not having a CTA is the top reason why most websites fail to capture leads. Your CTA should be easy to find, properly worded and easy to understand. Include several CTAs on your website for every stage of your sales process.

These three practices will help you capture more leads. It is also good to keep up with the trends in online marketing. What are your competitors doing to capture leads?

Web Design Santee

What Not to Do When Creating a Killer Website

web design SanteeYour web design Santee will be the first thing visitors see when they visit your website. This is why you need to be very careful before selecting a layout for your website. In this article, we will be looking at the things you must never do when building your website.

Doing it yourself
As much as WordPress makes web development easy, it is not advisable to build a professional website on your own. This is because a lot goes into the backend. Even with the best theme and plugins, you still need to customize everything to achieve something unique. Customizing the theme means editing the code. This is not any easy thing to do. The last thing you want is for your business website to look homemade and full of errors. You can avoid this by working with a web designer Santee that has experience creating websites like the one you want.

Forcing people to think
The worst mistake you can make is that of forcing visitors to guess where what they are looking for is. This happens when you build a website that has a bad layout and poor navigation. Remember that your visitors are running short on time and you always have less than 5 seconds to win their trust. You need to do a three second test. Don’t be afraid to invite a friend for this. See if your friend can figure out what to do next within 3 seconds. If he is stranded, you have to go back to the drawing board.

Adding a blog
Although it is good to have a blog for your website, you need to consider if you will really populate the blog with content. Not just that, you need to make sure that you will be updating your blog regularly. If your blog is outdated, it sends the message that your company is small or out of business. If you don’t have time for blogging, it is okay to eliminate the blog tab.

Trying to please everyone
Your website will only be able to cater to a very small group. This is why you need to identify your main audiences before you start working on a web design Santee. Creating a website that pleases everyone is impossible. You can try but your website will just end up being boring and with a terrible user experience. Focus on one group.

Adding fake testimonials
Reviews and testimonials make it easy for you to win the trust of new customers. Adding fake reviews and testimonials will, however, hurt you. Fake review are easy to pinpoint and they will ruin your brand reputation.

These are the crucial things you need to remember when creating your next website. You must never expect to create a killer website overnight. It takes time for a website to be perfect and to command the attention you desire.

Web Design Santee

Questions to Help Perfect Your B2B Website

web design SanteeYour web design Santee is simply the lobby of your business. It is the first thing customers see when they land on your company website. How the design looks will either lure them in or fed them off. If you are worried your website has been pushing customers away, you need to answer the following questions.

Does it look polished and professional?
Take a closer look at your website and see if the images and layout represent your brand. Is the representation in the best light possible? If your answer is no, then you need to call back your web designer Santee to rework your B2B website. You will need to fix your website if the images are pixelated or blurry and if the website sends the wrong message about your business. Everything must look professional. If your website looks like a personal blog, it will not win the hearts of your target audience. Your website needs to look professional, feel safe and represent your brand in the best light.

Does it look up-to-date?
The common mistake companies make is that of forgetting about their website after launch. Some people only think about their website when they want to add a new product to the catalog. If your website is not updated regularly, it will not serve its purpose. This is more so if the content on the website is more than a year old. If the website is outdated has the same old layout and functionality, visitors will think twice before trusting the information on it. Your website needs to have current information. The content should not be discussing issues of five years ago. As a matter of fact, product information that is more than two years old is considered stale and outdated.

Is it easy to navigate?
Your web design Santee needs to be mobile friendly and the entire website must be easy to navigate. Visitors should not have to guess where to find what they are looking for. Everything has to be axiomatic. In addition to that, even though you have a lot of information to convey to customers, you must not add it all at once or in one page. Doing so will cause your website to look cluttered. Keep your website clean and easy to use.

The ideal website is one that has current information, a clear user flow and represents your brand in the best light. The key to achieving all this lies in working with an experienced web designer Santee. Hire someone that has built websites that are similar to what you want.

Web Design Santee

Principles that Make a Web Design Great

A great web design Santee calls for expert skills. You don’t necessary need to build your website from scratch without using templates and plugins but you need a surefooted web designer. But how do you really make your website stand out? In this article we shall be looking at the key principles that will make your website design look good.

Balanced design
Balanced design means your design doesn’t tip to one side. It has to be balanced in achieving asymmetry or symmetry. Needless to say, achieving symmetric or asymmetrical balance is hard and requires a lot of experience from a web designer Santee.

Compartmentalized with grids
Grids are simply a series of vertical and horizontal lines that help compartmentalize a design. Columns, for example, will make it easier for visitors to absorb the content. As a result, proper spacing and the use of Rule of Thirds will make it easier for visitors to consume your content. The Rule of Thirds is the reason why the side bars make up a third of the page’s width whereas the main content area is equal to the design’s width divided by 1.62. This is also the reason why in professional photography the target object is not positioned in the middle but at the point where there is intersection of imaginary nine-square grid. The Rule of Thirds in web design makes the elements easy on the eye.

Few base colors
The use of color is good but using too many colors will only lead to problems. What is more is that the colors you use need to be in the same color palette. Some colors blend well while others don’t. There are many theories on the use of colors but it all boils down to common sense and the right feel. Find the colors that work best and only use a maximum of three base colors. The colors you select must also go with the target industry. A restaurant website, for example, will do best with earthy tones like brows and reds. You should remember that every color you select will send out a message. Don’t pick colors Rambo-style with guns blazing.

Make graphics go well
Some websites just look dull because the web designer Santee never paid much attention to the graphics. The purpose of graphics is to complement the visual message. The background image should be nonintrusive.

White space
Last but not least, you should make use of white spaces. White spaces will help the elements to stand out. White spaces also make it easier for visitors to consume your content.

These are the essentials to creating a great web design Santee. It is, however, good to remember that good web design is not limited to these principles. Other aspects like readability, usability and accessibility play a huge part. The secret is to work with a reliable web designer.

Web design Santee

How to Build a Small Business Website

The type of web design Santee you use will be affected by so many things. Top on the list is what you are creating the website for. In this article, we will be looking at the crucial things you need to do when creating a simple website for your business.

Determine the purpose of your website
What do you need the website for? This is the first question your web designer Santee will ask. In general, a business website is used as a space to offer general information about a company. It can also be used as a direct platform for e-commerce. What do you need your website for? If you need it for ecommerce purposes you need to be clear on that from the start. If you will not be accepting payments through your site, you will not need to invest a lot in setting it up. Give your web designer the list of things your ideal website should be able to do.

Select a domain name
Now that you know what your website should be able to do, the next step is to purchase a domain name. This will be the address of your website. It is what visitors’ type into their web browsers to get to your website. The ideal domain name needs to be descriptive, easy to remember and easy to type. Keep the domain name as short as possible and avoid using numbers, acronyms, and abbreviations. You also need to select your top-level domain; the suffix at the end of your domain name. The most popular ones are .com, .biz and .net.

Choose a hosting service
The files of your website will have to be stored on an ever-online server. This is why you need a hosting service. Although it is possible to host your own website, it is not recommended. You need an external host that has the resources you need keep your website live round the clock. Your budget is what will determine the package you select: shared, dedicated or private server. Pick a hosting service that has a server that is close to your target market.

Build your pages
The third step is to build your website. You need multiple pages that are dedicated to the various aspects of your business like detailed catalog, blog and contact page. You will also need to create a logo for your website. When adding your content, you need to be clear on what your business does, have calls-to-action, avoid the overuse of stock photos and add only high quality content.

Test and publish your website
Last but not least you need to test and launch your website. Testing means making sure the website has no issues and that it loads smoothly on all major web browsers. You will also need to include an analytic program into your website.

These are the steps you need to take when creating a simple business website. Don’t forget to market it on social media and search engines.

Web design Santee

6 Phases of the Web Design and Development Process

Are you getting ready for web design Santee? If you are, this article is for you. Building, managing and operating a website involves 6 main phases. The phases can be more or less depending on the type of website you are creating and the technique of your web designer. In this article we will be looking at the basic phases.

Information gathering
For you to create a successful website, the first thing you need to do is to gather information about the function, look and feel of the website. This step involves the solid understanding of the company the website is being created for. The web designer Santee needs to understand your business, your goals, dreams and how the website will be used. Before any work starts, the web designer should clearly understand the purpose of the website, goals it should help achieve, the target audience and the content that will be posted.

With the information in hand, the web designer will plan the website. This stage involves the development of a sitemap. A site map is a list of the main topic areas of the website and sub-topics. The sitemap will serve as the guide to what content needs to be added and helps develop a consistent and easy to understand navigation. The web designer will also choose the technologies to implement in the website.

Now is the time to determine the ideal look and feel of the website. In doing so, the web designer has to keep the target audience in mind. A website designed for teenagers will be different from that built for finance institutions. Web design Santee should also incorporate elements like company colors and logos to help with branding. A good web designer will create at least two prototype designs of the website. These will be presented to you as a .jpg image. Once you select a design, the design work will start. You will be able to review the project throughout the design and development stages. Always maintain good communication with the designer.

This is when the website is actually created. The web designer will create the pages and add the content. Such elements as CMS, interactive contact forms, and shopping carts are added in this phase.

Testing and delivery
This phase involves rigorous testing to ensure every element is working as it should. Testing includes cross-browser compatibility, smooth functionality, user-friendliness, load speed, SEO and so on. The web designer Santee will also ensure that the website uses the latest basic technologies such as CSS and HTML. Features may be added or removed in this phase.

The last phase is maintenance. New content and updated information has to be offered on a regular basis. The website features will also need to be updated and backed up. This is what the maintenance phase is all about. It is a continuing process.

Web Design Santee

3 Options for Building a Website

Even with the best web design Santee in mind, you still have a long way to go before bringing the website to life. To navigate the challenges that come with web development, it is highly recommended to work with an experienced web designer. In this article, however, we shall be taking a look at the three options that you have when building a website. This is more so when you are creating a WordPress website.

Coding it from the ground up
This is the option for business websites. If what you need are custom features and functionalities, you will do best to work with a web designer Santee who can build your website from the ground up. That way you will have more control over what goes into your website and what it can do. The process starts with a discussion with your web designer. The web designer will listen to your needs and create a sketch of how he feels the website should look like. Once you give him the green light, he will create the website from scratch.

Since the introduction of WordPress, the majority of websites are not built from scratch. There are so many editable templates that you can use. Enterprise companies are mostly the ones that choose to build their website from scratch. The reason for this is because this option is quite expensive.

Use website building software
There are so many tools you can use today to build a website from the comfort of your home. WordPress has the best website builders. The best thing about the use of website building software is that you will get everything you need to create your website. You can install themes/templates and customize them to your liking. More functionality can be added using plugins. Although you can create your own website using the builders, you can still hire a web designer Santee to offer his expertise.

Drag and drop website builder
This is the fully automated option of building a website. For this, you can use services like Squarespace, Weebly and Wix. The best thing about this option is that you simply drag and drop the elements of your website to create the layout. The service will take care of all the technical aspects of web development. Minimal technical knowledge is needed.

These are the three options you can use to build your website. All in all, if you need a professional web design Santee especially for a business, working with a web designer is the best way to go. His technical expertise will help get a far more refined website.

Web Design Santee

Web Design Santee – Guide to Help Choose the Best Web Design

Choosing a web design Santee is one of the most difficult stages in web development. You have to select a design that is unique, resonates well with your target audience and accommodates your content perfectly. The web design must also offer room for future development. All this can be overwhelming. The good news is that there are a couple of things you can do to select the ultimate web design.

Define your technology needs
This is in relation to how you want your website to perform. Do you need a brochure site or a website with certain functionality? Defining your technology needs is very important because it helps decide on the web designer Santee to hire. You also need to consider the following:

  • The functionality you want
  • How you want your website to grow
  • If you need to edit and manage your website content
  • If your visitors need to work with the website

It is imperative that you avoid using vague ideas or concepts. You also need to be wary of the technology you use to avoid technology lock-in.

Define your needs
How do you want the website to look and feel? Look at live websites that are similar to what you want. Doing so will give you some inspiration. Make a list of the things you like and dislike about the web designs you review. Discussing your needs with your web designer Santee will help you know what can be achieved in relation to looks and features and what cannot. Ask your web designer for a vivid design process that includes feedback stages. Always avoid vague wishes.

Define your business needs
The next step is to identify your business needs. What is the role of the website in your website? Will you be using it to advertise or as a portal for clients to buy your products or services? Always consider both near and medium term needs. You also need to consider the domain names, email, online services and the incremental value of the website.

Think about your content
Another important thing you have to consider when deciding on the web design Santee to use is the type of content you will post. Will you be adding lots of images and videos?

Define your budget
Last but not least, you need to define your budget and scope. How much time and money are you prepared to spend on the website? Always consider your current cash flow situation.  

These recommendations will help select the best web design but it is always good to liaise with the experts throughout the development period. You also need to keep an open mind. Your web designer might recommend something remarkable.

Web design Santee

5 Critical Things to Do After Launching Your Website

Once the work on web design Santee and the backend part of your website are done, the next step is to launch it. This is the most exciting phase of web development. One of the main questions people ask is what to do next? Creating a website is the straightforward phase. Thereafter you have to think about promoting it, making sure it is always live and so much more. In this post, we will look at the 5 things you need to do immediately after launching your website.

Inform your staff
A well-informed staff is the key to a cohesive brand strategy. As a matter of fact, you need to inform your staff about the launch. Let your web designer Santee give your team information on the launch date and educate them on what is new and exciting about the new website. A pre-launch sneak peek will motivate your employees and create significant buzz around your website.

Submit the sitemap to search engines
As soon as your website is live, you want to make sure that search engines can crawl and index it. This is important because being indexed by search engines helps your website show up in search results. Submit your sitemap to Google and Bing. There are easy instructions on how to get your content on Google and Bing.

Talk about it on your social media networks
Needless to say, before you launch a company website, you must already have a social media presence. If you don’t, you need to create accounts on major social networking sites; Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. Your first step after launching the website should be sharing the news about the launch on your social media. Make sure you add a link to your website on all your social media pages. You don’t need a long description. Just make sure it is engaging and exciting to followers.

Email both current and potential clients
You should have an email list before the launch. After the launch, you need to create more awareness by sending emails to your current clients, potential clients, partners and vendors with details about the launch. Make sure you include a link to your website. Don’t forget to include friends and family members to the list. The more people know about the launch the better.

Publish a press release
Last but not least, you need to publish a press release. Hire a skilled writer to craft a compelling press release that provides details on why the new website is a big deal. Don’t forget to share the press release on social media too.

These are the five things you have to do after launching your website. Make sure you always seek advice from your web designer regarding the launch and also keep an eye on the trends regarding website launches.

Web design Santee