One of the hardest decisions a web designer Santee makes is that of choosing the hosting plan to use. There are so many options out there. If you are not careful you might end up with a plan that limits your website. In this post we shall be discussing the four main types of hosting and their pros and cons.
Shared hosting
This is the most common package with people on a tight budget. It is ideal for small to medium sized business websites and blogs. When getting started with web design Santee this is the package that most people choose because of its affordability. It offers all the essential website functions that you need at a fee that can be as low as $10 per month or even lower. The issue with this package is that your website will be hosted on the same server as other websites from other customers. This means the performances can go down at certain times of day when the shared resources are strained.
Managed hosting
This package is the same as shared hosting with the only advantage being the level of support. The provider will manage your hardware, operating systems and applications. WordPress hosting is the most common form of managed hosting. This option is more expensive than shared hosting but comes with extensive features and better website builder options. It is an ideal option if you want to build a professional website on your own.
Cloud hosting
This is a more reliable option. With cloud hosting your website will be hosted on multiple severs instead of just one. This means your visitors will be directed to the server that is closest to them thus guaranteeing faster loading speeds. The only drawback with this hosting plan is that the cost is extremely high. The option is thus ideal for larger companies.
Virtual Private Servers (VPS)
With this option, the hosting provider will divide one sever into virtual services. Each website is then hosted on an individual virtual server in the same way as dedicated servers. Unlike shared hosting where resources can be strained by other users, you will be assigned specific resources which mean your assigned resources will never be exhausted by other websites. The cost starts at $20 per month.
Dedicated servers
This is the option your web designer Santee will recommend when money is no object and you need an extremely secure website. You get assigned a whole server. You can thus count on fast load times. The option is ideal for large businesses that have high traffic websites. The cost starts at $100 per month.
Your choice of hosting plan will depend on your budget and website needs. Always talk to your web designer for advice when choosing a hosting plan.