Web design Santee always calls for a lot of preparation. In addition to having your vision in mind, you will need to compile a checklist that will ensure that your web development process runs smoothly. In this article, we shall be taking a quick look at the 6 crucial things that you must have in order to create a website.
Domain name
Selecting a domain name is the first thing you will have to do as a web designer Santee. This is the digital address of your website. It is what people type into their browsers to find your website. Two of the leading domain name providers are GoDaddy and Hostgator. You can check if your desired domain name is available and how much it will cost. The annual fee for a domain name is between $10 and $20.
Business email address
Not having a business email address is the fastest way to kill your business. People will either assume you are serious or you are a scammer. This is more so if you use emails from Gmail or Yahoo. You need an email address with your domain name as the provider. If your website is XY.com, then your email should be something like info@XY.com.
Website building software
The next step is to find the best website building software. This is the software you will use to build your website. it can be Wix, WordPress, Weebly, Squarespace or any other software that you want. WordPress is the most popular website building software. This is because of the many plugins and themes it offers. There is also a remarkable amount of community support and not to forget about the intuitive nature of the platform.
Get website hosting
Your website will have to be hosted somewhere. You cannot expect to run it smoothly from your personal computer. You need reliable hosting services. Before you start work on a web design Santee, you will need to find a good hosting service. This can be shared hosting, VPS hosting, dedicated hosting or free hosting. Your choice will depend on the type of website that you are building and the resources it will need. Your budget will also play a part.
Select a website template
If you are using WordPress, you don’t have to code everything. You can make use of website templates. Make sure you customize the template to your liking.
Logo design
Your website will need a logo. The logo helps create a brand for your website and business. You can hire a graphic designer to help with the logo design or simply use the logo generators.
These are the six most important things you will have to do when creating a website. As a web designer Santee, you may also want to include Google Analytics, image editors and high quality images and videos in your list.