Your web design Santee will not be complete without an SSL certificate. When purchasing your domain name and hosting service you have to consider spending a little more money on an SSL certificate. In the past this was needed only on websites that dealt with credit card payments. Today any website should have the SSL certificate. Here are the main reasons why SSL is essential.
Protects data
One of the main purposes of having SSL is so as to protect the data that is exchanged between you and a visitor. SSL works by encrypting the data that is sent over the Internet. What this means is that the data is locked and can only be unlocked by the intended recipient. This is particularly important when dealing with sensitive data. Your web designer Santee will insist on having an SSL certificate if your website will deal with sensitive data like credit card numbers, passwords and IDs. SSL protects you and your audience from the mischievous arm of skimmers and hackers. SSL works by turning the data into undecipherable format which cannot be accessed by hackers. The recipients’ server or browser is what unlocks the data. This in turn helps affirm your identity.
Better search engine ranking
Back in 2014 Google made changes to its algorithm. The change gave an upper hand to websites that used HTTPS. Today, researchers have found that websites that use https get better ranking on Google results than those that don’t. There is a very strong correlation between HTTPS and high search engine ranking. This is according to a study by Brian Dean; the founder of Getting the SSL certificate will hence boost your search engine rankings.
Satisfy PCI/DSS requirements
If you accept only payments, you are familiar with the PCI/DSS requirements. For your website to receive payments you must be PCI (Payment Card Industry) compliant. Getting the SSL certificate is one of the steps of getting PCI compliant. SSL is one of the 12 primary requirements that have been set by PCI.
If you are working on your web design Santee, SSL is one thing you must never ignore. The cost is not as high and there are so many hosting companies that even offer SSL certificates for free. However, if you want to receive online payments, you must find a trusted SSL certificate provider. It is also good to note that having an SSL certificate is a requirement today for any website. Even for a personal website, if you want to rank well on search engine results, you must consider getting the SSL certificate.